Everybody’s World

After the death of her husband, Daisy finds it increasingly difficult to cope on her own. When she has a fall, her daughter Liz insists she comes and lives with her. However, Liz already has enough on her plate; three kids to look after and a husband who’s just left her. She finds herself getting more and more exasperated by her mother until one day she manhandles her. Realizing she is at the end of her tether, Liz insists her brother Frank take Daisy in. But Frank is too busy concentrating on his career in the City to look after his Mother. So Liz tells younger brother Bobby that Mum is going to stay with him for a short while to give her a break.

Bobby has other plans for Daisy though. He starts to steal from his Mother to feed his drug habit. On the advice of a friend, Daisy joins a social group and reveals to them what Bobby is doing. A social worker visits Daisy and informs her that if she isn’t happy living with Bobby, she has other options. When she has gone Bobby is furious, locks Daisy in the bedroom and bans her from visiting her social group. Daisy is distraught and starts to blame herself for Bobby’s behaviour; was she a good Mother, did she love him enough? She wishes Frank and Liz would rescue her, but she knows they’re too busy with their own lives.

Daisy’s social group are concerned. They haven’t seen her for weeks. One of the volunteers visits Daisy at home but no one answers the door, she can however see the son sitting on the sofa drinking beer. They write to Daisy, but still there is no response. Worried for her safety, they decide to act, and contact the council’s Safeguarding Adults team, who are responsible for reducing the risk of abuse for people in vulnerable situations. The Team inform senior social workers of their concerns who promptly visit Daisy, and an ashamed Bobby finally lets them in. Daisy is taken to meet the Safeguarding Adult Team who provide her with temporary accommodation in a care home until she is given her own flat in sheltered accommodation.

Frank, Liz and Bobby visit Daisy in her new flat, and all express regret and embarrassment at what happened, and vow to look after their Mother properly from now on, but Daisy has discovered a new independence and is determined to live her life to the full: “yes, we bring our kids up, watch them make mistakes, break our hearts, fill us with joy, we marry, we love, we grow old, we lose love, O we live through so much and give so much, so yes, I’ve got as much right to this world as anybody. I want to be part of it!”

“Thank you for attending the first ever show of Everybody’s World on 5th November. It was really encouraging and supporting event for the volunteer actors who did gave brilliant performance despite of being first time ever on the stage. They all accepted benefit of learning new skills. Overall response was brilliant and almost everybody said that the message is coming across very well. That was the aim of the show and was achieved successfully. Once again thank you.”

Samir Barot, Project Co-ordinator, Ekta Project