
Myrninerest: The Outside/Inside Life of Madge Gill

Written by James Kenworth

Mon 26th - Sun 1st Sept, 7.30pm + 3.00pm, @art in the docks, Gallions Reach, East London
Madge Gill is the sixth instalment in the critically acclaimed series of localist-focussed Newham Plays

Madge Gill (1882-1961) was an outstanding exponent of mediumistic art and remains one of the foremost British Outsider artists.* Gill had no prior knowledge of art and was entirely self-taught. She felt an instinctive compulsion to create, resulting in an outpouring that flowed effortlessly and spontaneously from an altered state of consciousness. Working under the control of Myrninerest, her spirit guide, Madge Gill’s art remains an enigma.

She was born in the East End of London, and lived in Plashet Grove, Upton Park, where she spent the greater part of her life. After her death, her only surviving son Laurie gathered hundreds of pieces of Madge’s work which were stored around the house, stuffed into drawers and cupboards and under the bed. He donated the majority of the works to East Ham Council and are now owned by Newham Council.

Madge Gill is the sixth instalment in The Newham Plays, a critically acclaimed series of site-specific, localist-focussed plays shows rooted in Newham's history, culture, and people, created and written by James Kenworth. The plays are a unique collaboration between a writer, director, designer, and professional actors working alongside students from Newham schools and young actors from local youth groups/theatres.

* Art Historian Roger Cardinal originally coined the term ‘Outsider Art’ in 1972. Since then it has been taken to mean self-taught. Outsider artists did not pursue fame, money, or success, worked in isolation, and existed outside of the mainstream art world.